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Recently, question series have become one focus of research in question answering. These series are comprised of individual factoid, list, and “other” questions organized around a central topic, and represent abstractions of user–system dialogs. Existing evaluation methodologies have yet to catch up with this richer task model, as they fail to take into account contextual dependencies and different user behaviors. This paper presents a novel simulation-based methodology for evaluating answers to question series that addresses some of these shortcomings. Using this methodology, we examine two different behavior models: a “QA-styled” user and an “IR-styled” user. Results suggest that an off-the-shelf document retrieval system is competitive with state-of-the-art QA systems in this task. Advantages and limitations of evaluations based on user simulations are also discussed.  相似文献   
江泽民同志在“七一”讲话中关于“社会主义社会是全面发展、全面进步的社会”的论断具有十分重要的理论意义和实践价值。作认为,应该从五个方面理解这一思想的内涵:一、这一科学论断深刻反映了社会明演进的客观规律;二、这一科学论新是社会明协调发展规律的客观要求;三、社会的全面发展体现了社会主义的价值目标,反映了社会主义社会的本质要求;四、社会主义社会全面发展思想的提出是对我国和其他社会主义国家革命和建设实践经验教训的深刻总结;五、也是国际国内形势对我们提出的必然要求。  相似文献   
鄂豫皖苏区根据地,在中国革命斗争史上占有十分重要的地位。它的巩固和发展与苏区的教育紧密地联系在一起。为了发扬我党教育革命的优良传统,以推动当今教育的进一步发展,本文就该苏区教育的宗旨、内容、教材、措施、经验等,作了论述。  相似文献   
萧红与沈从均为体验型、情绪型作家,他们的作品所展现的是一个被情绪记忆中缠绕的世界。孩提时期那种强烈的缺失性体验,是构成《呼兰河传》独特风格的基础;而《边城》中对世外桃源般的景致及正直朴素的人情美的渲染,则源于另一种隐秘心理,因此,解读他们的作品不宜只用传统的社会学的单一角度和单向性思维方式,还应多从创作心理的角度去研究与探索。  相似文献   
二战后,为满足以色列儿童心理成长和能力促进的实际需要,以弗厄斯坦为代表的以色列教育学家和认知心理学家提出了中介学习经验理论并将之应用于教育实践。该理论从教授者与学习者间交互作用的视角看待学习者的认知发展与学习,主张个体的认知结构是一个开放的系统,教授者在中介学习过程中可采用多种有益的中介策略指导和训练儿童,以促进他们认知能力的提高和认知结构的改善,并推动其学习潜能的实现。该理论的实践应用包括:1)构建学习潜能评估工具,用它评价个体认知能力的改变,诊断个体的认知缺陷;2)设立工具强化程序并施之于教学中以巩固儿童已改变的认知结构。中介学习经验理论对于在测评和教学中动态把握和促进巩固儿童的潜能发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
There has been a paucity of research on the experiences of students at Pakistani universities. A survey of over 900 students at two universities examined their approaches to studying and perceptions of their courses. Evidence was obtained for a deep approach, a surface approach and two aspects of a strategic approach. Their perceptions were based upon the instructional practices, the acquisition of generic skills, the appropriateness of the assessment and of their workload, and the available learning resources. A higher‐order analysis revealed two broad dimensions of the student experience in Pakistan. Students who had positive perceptions tended to adopt a deep approach, to prefer courses, teaching and assessment that supported their understanding and to be engaged and reliable in their studies. However, students who had negative perceptions tended to adopt a surface approach and to prefer courses, teaching and assessment that reinforced this approach through the bare transmission of information.  相似文献   
《研堂见闻杂记》是清初一部颇具史料性质的杂记。它以娄东人的视角向我们展示了明末清初时期江南社会之百态,包括由娄东抗清到江南抗清、由娄东人物到江南人物、由娄东科弊到江南狱案。在这些种种故事与人物的描写中,我们既可以感受到易代的历史巨变对江南士人的冲击,又可以感受到作者的亡国之痛与故国之思的遗民情结。  相似文献   
改革开放历史起源之一是对计划经济体制在中国最初实践经验的思考和结合中国实际进行改革的初步尝试。1950年代,中国共产党人在推进社会主义改造和建立社会主义制度的同时,就提出、探讨了将苏联计划经济同中国具体实际相结合、建立中国式的社会主义经济体制这样一个历史课题。在实践中,中共提出了发挥中央和地方两个积极性、社会主义经济是计划性与多样性和灵活性的统一、三个主体与三个补充相结合等一系列思想,取得了丰富的经验。这些思想和经验成为中国特色社会主义兴起的重要基础。  相似文献   
设置高峰体验课程是高校教学范式改革的重要措施。当前高校在开设高峰体验课程中存在一些问题,特别是教师在高峰体验课程教学过程中存在内涵不清楚,缺少教学团队,教学目标不明确,教学方式传统,缺乏评估体系等问题。从清晰认识高峰体验课程的内涵,建设教学团队,整合教学目标,创新教学方法,建立评估体系和激励机制等方面入手,是实现高峰体验课程提升学生专业能力与综合素质从而提升高校专业人才培养质量的重要路径。  相似文献   
In recent years there has been a growing interest in questions related to embodiment and learning. Within the field of ‘body pedagogics’ great efforts have been made to develop theory and methodology that can deal with the corporeal aspects of experience and knowledge without adopting any form of dualistic conceptions of body/mind and organism/environment. This article connects to this body of research. The purpose is to first present a synthesis of James' radical empiricism, Dewey's transactional understanding of experience and learning and Marcel Mauss' concept of ‘body techniques’ and the notion of education embedded in it. Against the background of this theoretical development, and with a Transactional Model of Analyzing Bodying (TMAB), we then show how we can analytically come to terms with different dualistic problems that research into ‘body pedagogics’ has to deal with. We use an empirical example of dinghy sailing to create knowledge about what we learn when learning embodied knowledge, and how this learning takes place. We argue that experience is an important concept for understanding the acting knowing human being, describing how experience is organized and developed and outlining how this organization can be understood as learning. We hold that situations where someone learns to embody certain knowledge are cases of overt actions, in which we can see what kinds of relations are created and how these relations become meaningful for further action.  相似文献   
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